Each company has different business objectives, product sets, costs and processing environments. Thus, each company is different and must go through a systematic process of evaluation to establish if it could benefit from outsourcing. Premier BPO’s consultants are experienced in guiding companies through this process and can assist companies in determining the best route to take, i.e. retain processing in-house or outsource. Here are some questions that company needs to ask itself:
- Is management under pressure to reduce costs of doing business? Has management achieved any recent cost savings through re-engineering its processes?
- Does the company have standardization processes? Is the company looking for greater control and visibility over business functions and further improvement in their processes?
- Has the company reviewed its business model for scalability and determined whether integrating their operation with an outsourcing outfit to achieve end-to-end will achieve greater rewards?
- Is technology being used to improve the processes, mining of data for analytics, and discernment of whether analyzing the data will improve the company’s bottom line?
- Is the company using technology and automation to reduce reliance on manual labor and is it customizing its processes to tailor operations to suit their product needs?
- Does the company have in-house talent to excel in the areas of Finance, Human Resources, IT, Supply Chain Management, Sales and Marketing, Shared Services and Data Analytics to conduct business in its industry?
- Does the company have pockets of labor with 10 or more FTEs, performing non-core, repetitive, replicable, and/or trainable processes?
- And finally, has the company spoken to a Premier BPO consultant to see what is possible? To achieve what at first glance may be seemingly impossible?